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BeitragAuthor: Deer-Hunter » Di 14. Apr 2009, 23:55

BitComet Build 20090413 Beta

- GUI Improved: elevation is not needed to associate torrent file in Windows Vista

- GUI Improved: save to My Document in HTTP batch download dialog is supported

- GUI Improved: the client version and transfer mode of Long-Time Seeding peer is displayed in peer list of BT task

- GUI Improved: add piece error column in peer list of BT task, hidden by default

- GUI Bug fix: can't sort peer list by the cols that in the right of any hidden column

- Core Improve: support the UDP transfer mode of Long-Time Seeding, can be enabled in advanced options

- Core Improve: support test UDP port in WAN/LAN ip detector

- Core Improve: stop connect to a peer that send too many error pieces

- Core Improve: improve connection algorithm for Long-Time seeding

- Core Improve: improve the compatibility to the old versions of eMule plugin, support v1.06 and later

Mirror Download
Bild Leute, die einem sagen, man solle sich nicht über Kleinigkeiten aufregen, haben noch nie eine Mücke im Schlafzimmer gehabt. Bild
Beiträge: 7414
Registriert: Sa 17. Dez 2005, 22:54
Wohnort: Walhalla

BeitragAuthor: Deer-Hunter » Mi 22. Apr 2009, 17:03

BitComet Build 1.11 20090422 Beta


Core Improve: update bittorrent client identification code
Core Bugfix: UDP upload rate limit of Long-Time Seed does not work
Core Bugfix: program may crash due to bugs in Long-Time Seed modular

GUI Improved: display connection time of Long-Time Seed in peer list of BT task
GUI Bugfix: when using multi-monitor, BitComet do not restore window position to the monitor last exit from.
Core Improve: delete Thumbs.db when remove task downloaded files
Core Improve: set taskname.piece_part.bc! as hidden file, avoiding deleted accidently
Core Bugfix: program crash when using proxy server
Core Bugfix: user and password setting for proxy server do not work
Core Bugfix: making torrent file fail if containing empty sub-folders
Core Bugfix: invalid local IP displayed in statistics pane

BETA Bereich (Homepage)
Bild Leute, die einem sagen, man solle sich nicht über Kleinigkeiten aufregen, haben noch nie eine Mücke im Schlafzimmer gehabt. Bild
Beiträge: 7414
Registriert: Sa 17. Dez 2005, 22:54
Wohnort: Walhalla

BeitragAuthor: Deer-Hunter » Mi 29. Apr 2009, 21:20

BitComet 1.11

Changes in BitComet v1.11, 2009.04.28:
GUI Improved: elevation is not needed to associate torrent file in Windows Vista
GUI Improved: save to My Document in HTTP batch download dialog is supported
GUI Improved: the client version and transfer mode of Long-Time Seeding peer is displayed in peer list of BT task
GUI Improved: add piece error column in peer list of BT task, hidden by default
GUI Improved: display connection time of Long-Time Seed in peer list of BT task
GUI Bugfix: when using multi-monitor, BitComet do not restore window position to the monitor last exit from.
GUI Bugfix: can't sort peer list by the cols that in the right of any hidden column
Core Improve: support the UDP transfer mode of Long-Time Seeding, can be enabled in advanced options
Core Improve: support test UDP port in WAN/LAN ip detector
Core Improve: stop connect to a peer that send too many error pieces
Core Improve: improve connection algorithm for Long-Time seeding
Core Improve: improve the compatibility to the old versions of eMule plugin, support v1.06 and later
Core Improve: delete Thumbs.db when remove task downloaded files
Core Improve: set taskname.piece_part.bc! as hidden file, avoiding deleted accidently
Core Improve: update bittorrent client identification code
Core Bugfix: program crash when using proxy server
Core Bugfix: user and password setting for proxy server do not work
Core Bugfix: making torrent file fail if containing empty sub-folders
Core Bugfix: invalid local IP displayed in statistics pane
Core Bugfix: publish date of very few torrent display incorrect in torrent collection list

Bild Leute, die einem sagen, man solle sich nicht über Kleinigkeiten aufregen, haben noch nie eine Mücke im Schlafzimmer gehabt. Bild
Beiträge: 7414
Registriert: Sa 17. Dez 2005, 22:54
Wohnort: Walhalla

BeitragAuthor: Deer-Hunter » Mo 18. Mai 2009, 19:48

BitComet 1.12

Changes in BitComet v1.12, 2009.05.18:
GUI Improved: remove torrent share list in simplified Chinese version

Bild Leute, die einem sagen, man solle sich nicht über Kleinigkeiten aufregen, haben noch nie eine Mücke im Schlafzimmer gehabt. Bild
Beiträge: 7414
Registriert: Sa 17. Dez 2005, 22:54
Wohnort: Walhalla

BeitragAuthor: Deer-Hunter » Di 23. Jun 2009, 16:47

BitComet 1.13

Changes in BitComet 1.13, 2009.06.22:
GUI Improved: add "Uploading" queue to the left fav bar
GUI Improved: BT task file list in properties dialog and right-bottom pane changes to tree list for directory structure
GUI Improved: BT task file list in properties dialog and right-bottom pane support sorting
GUI Improved: add new commands to context menu of BT task file list: expand/collapse folders
GUI Improved: add check box to BT task file list pane for each file and folder, to switch download it or not
GUI Improved: add connection status icon for each peer in BT task peer list
GUI Improved: add "new peer" command to context menu of BT task peer list
GUI Improved: BT task peer list displays prompt string when frozen by ScrollLock
GUI Improved: support only export selected tasks into backup file
GUI Improved: support import tasks from backup file and merge them into task list
GUI Improved: select whether import global program settings while import tasks from backup file
GUI Improved: language list in Tools menu changes to a 2-level sub menu
GUI Improved: add loading page to task content, Snapshot, Comment and Recommend pane
GUI Improved: do not clear rate graph in floating window when stop all tasks
GUI Improved: do not show the message of missing BitCometAgent.dll when program start
GUI Improved: optimize reconnect time after Comet Passport sign in failed
GUI Improved: add support for several new languages (see langHowTo-Translate.txt)
GUI Bugfix: when open a GB2312 encoding torrent file in traditional Chinese Windows, the task name and publish info displays incorrectly after change character encoding
GUI Bugfix: TCP, UDP mode setting of Long-Time seeding in advanced options can not be saved
GUI Bugfix: restore the torrent archive list which removed in v1.12
GUI Bugfix: if select none of files in BT task to download, the task progress will display incorrectly when program start next time
Core Improve: improve taskname.piece_part.bc! file structure, which used to save file boundary data for BT task, therefore decreased memory usage
Core Improve: BT task Anti-Leech setting changes to three levels: "disable", ""auto", "strict"
Core Improve: improve network modular code, avoid program losing response when download in high speed
Core Improve: add disk cache for UDP Long-Time seeding, 50MB max
Core Improve: set the thread priority of UDP Long-Time seeding below normal
Core Bugfix: memory leak in UDP uploading modular of Long-Time seeding
Core Bugfix: too many memory and CPU used when Long-Time seeding in high speed using UDP

Bild Leute, die einem sagen, man solle sich nicht über Kleinigkeiten aufregen, haben noch nie eine Mücke im Schlafzimmer gehabt. Bild
Beiträge: 7414
Registriert: Sa 17. Dez 2005, 22:54
Wohnort: Walhalla

BeitragAuthor: Deer-Hunter » Fr 17. Jul 2009, 02:24

BitComet 2009.07.16 Beta


GUI Improved: add new command in context menu of floating window: start uploading all
GUI Improved: change the BitComet icon in system tray to grey when program exiting
GUI Bugfix: item selection status lost when file list of BT task refreshing
Core Improve: improve connection algorithm for UDP download from Long-Time seed
Core Improve: send no-retry instruction to remote UDP peers when exiting

GUI Improved: support Wed Seed when make torrent file
GUI Improved: support modify Wed Seed list in BT task properties dialog
GUI Improved: display download/upload rate of user group in peer list of BT task
GUI Improved: display downloading piece position in peer list of BT task
GUI Improved: display balloon on system tray icon when disk busy leading to GUI losing response
GUI Improved: new appearance option: minimize when program start
GUI Improved: add loading page to bookmark in left fav bar
GUI Improved: loading torrent collection list from xml file in working thread, avoid GUI freezing
GUI Improved: decrease the delay switching to torrent collection list from task list
GUI Bugfix: can't add HTTP Tracker whose port is 80 in BT task properties dialog
GUI Bugfix: if task selection state changed before task delete dialog displayed, the task will be deleted may not be the originally selected
Core Improve: BT task supports downloading from Web Seed, compatible with Bittorrent mainline
Core Improve: decrease CPU usage of DHT modular
Core Improve: ban the peers from the specified IP even they changed peer ID
Core Bugfix: max simultaneous half-open TCP connection number in advanced option page does not take effect
Core Bugfix: making torrent file may fail if there're too many files in the specified folder

Beta Download
Bild Leute, die einem sagen, man solle sich nicht über Kleinigkeiten aufregen, haben noch nie eine Mücke im Schlafzimmer gehabt. Bild
Beiträge: 7414
Registriert: Sa 17. Dez 2005, 22:54
Wohnort: Walhalla

BeitragAuthor: Deer-Hunter » Fr 31. Jul 2009, 02:04

BitComet 2009.07.28 Beta

GUI Improved: new setting in Long-Time Seeding panel of option dialog: Auto upload rate control
GUI Improved: statistics panel displays current upload rate limit of long-time seeding
GUI Improved: BitComet not responding dialog will be closed automatically after GUI resumed
Core Improve: improve connection algorithm for BT uploading
Core Improve: give BT upload connection higher priority when auto upload rate control of long-time seeding enabled
GUI Improved: new setting in connection panel of option dialog: Alternate max upload rate when not downloading
GUI Improved: statistics panel displays current download rate limit and upload rate limit
GUI Improved: individual max concurrent downloading task numbers for BT tasks and HTTP tasks in option dialog
GUI Improved: new "Force" option for BT task protocol encryption in option dialog
GUI Bugfix: memory access violation accidentally when program exit

Beta Download
Bild Leute, die einem sagen, man solle sich nicht über Kleinigkeiten aufregen, haben noch nie eine Mücke im Schlafzimmer gehabt. Bild
Beiträge: 7414
Registriert: Sa 17. Dez 2005, 22:54
Wohnort: Walhalla

BeitragAuthor: Deer-Hunter » Sa 1. Aug 2009, 20:38

BitComet 1.14

Code: Alles auswählen
- GUI Improved: support Wed Seed when make torrent file

- GUI Improved: support modify Wed Seed list in BT task properties dialog

- GUI Improved: display download/upload rate of user group in peer list of BT task

- GUI Improved: display downloading piece position in peer list of BT task

- GUI Improved: display balloon on system tray icon when disk busy leading to GUI losing response

- GUI Improved: new appearance option: minimize when program start

- GUI Improved: add loading page to bookmark in left fav bar

- GUI Improved: loading torrent collection list from xml file in working thread, avoid GUI freezing

- GUI Improved: decrease the delay switching to torrent collection list from task list

- GUI Improved: add new command in context menu of floating window: start uploading all

- GUI Improved: change the BitComet icon in system tray to grey when program exiting

- GUI Improved: new setting in connection panel of option dialog: Alternate max upload rate when not downloading

- GUI Improved: statistics panel displays current download rate limit and upload rate limit

- GUI Improved: individual max concurrent downloading task numbers for BT tasks and HTTP tasks in option dialog

- GUI Improved: new "Force" option for BT task protocol encryption in option dialog

- GUI Improved: new setting in Long-Time Seeding panel of option dialog: Auto upload rate control

- GUI Improved: statistics panel displays current upload rate limit of long-time seeding

- GUI Improved: BitComet not responding dialog will be closed automatically after GUI resumed

- GUI Bug fix: can't add HTTP Tracker whose port is 80 in BT task properties dialog

- GUI Bug fix: if task selection state changed before task delete dialog displayed, the task will be deleted may not be the originally selected

- Core Improve: BT task supports downloading from Web Seed, compatible with BitTorrent mainline

- Core Improve: decrease CPU usage of DHT modular

- Core Improve: ban the peers from the specified IP even they changed peer ID

- Core Improve: improve connection algorithm for UDP download from Long-Time seed

- Core Improve: send no-retry instruction to remote UDP peers when exiting

- Core Improve: improve connection algorithm for BT uploading

- Core Improve: give BT upload connection higher priority when auto upload rate control of long-time seeding enabled

- Core Bug fix: max simultaneous half-open TCP connection number in advanced option page does not take effect

- Core Bug fix: making torrent file may fail if there're too many files in the specified folder

Bild Leute, die einem sagen, man solle sich nicht über Kleinigkeiten aufregen, haben noch nie eine Mücke im Schlafzimmer gehabt. Bild
Beiträge: 7414
Registriert: Sa 17. Dez 2005, 22:54
Wohnort: Walhalla

BeitragAuthor: Deer-Hunter » Di 1. Sep 2009, 16:46

BitComet Beta_20090831


GUI Improved: task information panel lists change to task information tabs
GUI Improved: redesign "Task Summary" tab
GUI Improved: task "Recommend" page changes to "Start Page" tab
GUI Improved: hide unnecessary task tabs when no task selected or task stopped
GUI Improved: add "Network Setting Wizard" to "Network" page in Option dialog
GUI Improved: improve context menu of status bar, add "port mapping again" and "help"
GUI Bugfix: password not cleared when change user name in CometPassport sign in dialog
Core Improve: improve connection algorithm of Long-Time seed for high-speed network
Core Improve: "Start all seeding" from context menu of floating window do not start tasks with file missing
Core Improve: improve DNS query
Core Bugfix: connection number too small after some files in BT task finished
Core Bugfix: UPNP modular can not exit normally sometimes
Core Bugfix: task should enter in queue if when started during stopped time of schedule
Core Bugfix: remove port mapping of eMule plugin when program exiting

Beta Downloadseite
Bild Leute, die einem sagen, man solle sich nicht über Kleinigkeiten aufregen, haben noch nie eine Mücke im Schlafzimmer gehabt. Bild
Beiträge: 7414
Registriert: Sa 17. Dez 2005, 22:54
Wohnort: Walhalla

BeitragAuthor: Deer-Hunter » Mi 16. Sep 2009, 04:33

BitComet Beta_20090831

GUI Improved: new download speed indicator in task summary tab
GUI Improved: add total download size, average speed, seeding time to task summary tab
GUI Improved: task information tabs support drag & drop
GUI Improved: show latest tasks in task list when program starts
GUI Improved: add download/upload limit setting to context menu of floating window and system tray icon
GUI Bugfix: pieces status and upload speed of emule plugin display incorrectly in peer list
Core Bugfix: emule plugin upgraded to v0.49c

Beta Downloadseite
Bild Leute, die einem sagen, man solle sich nicht über Kleinigkeiten aufregen, haben noch nie eine Mücke im Schlafzimmer gehabt. Bild
Beiträge: 7414
Registriert: Sa 17. Dez 2005, 22:54
Wohnort: Walhalla


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