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BeitragVerfasst: Do 24. Jul 2008, 17:35
Author: taz
@PreferencesDlg.h :

//>>> WiZaRd::SlideBar [eMule+]

// By Taz - fix
//#define IDC_PREFS_SLIDEBAR 111 //note: this *should* be unique!
// <------- fix

#define PREF_PARENT_CLASS CPropertySheet
//#define PREF_PARENT_CLASS CTreePropSheet
//<<< WiZaRd::SlideBar [eMule+]
// <-------- SlideBar

not unique and probably no in place.

My suggestion :

@EMFresourcemod.h :


// By taz - SlideBar
//>>> WiZaRd::SlideBar [eMule+]
#define IDC_PREFS_SLIDEBAR 6999 //note: this *should* be unique!
//<<< WiZaRd::SlideBar [eMule+]
// <------- SlideBar

//note: you have to have a NEWLINE after the last line of code, otherwise you get an EOF Bild

not at beginning in order to avoid shift of translated IDSs.